Comments on: What’s it Like Being on the Front Lines of a Pandemic? Social work updates from NASW Fri, 28 Jul 2023 20:51:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jenna Witkowski Sun, 12 Apr 2020 20:06:56 +0000 I’m a clinical social worker in a community-based mental health program in Buffalo, NY. The team that I work with is still providing services to our clients (as safely as possible) to help ensure they can stay housed and out of hospitals if possible. Our team always rocks, but we have banded together even stronger during this time. We continue to check on our patients, deliver their meds, and make sure they have their basic resources to stay as safe as possible during this time.

By: Aliah Wright, NASW Senior PR Specialist Thu, 09 Apr 2020 18:41:01 +0000 In reply to Peggy Harbert.

Peggy thank you so much for commenting! Please stay safe and know that we here at NASW appreciate all that you do. For all of us.

By: Peggy Harbert Thu, 09 Apr 2020 03:46:31 +0000 I am a social worker on the front line in an Indianapolis Emergency Department. Times are tough and emotions are high, not only for the staff but also for the patient’s and their families. Calling families and keeping open communication has never been more important. Patient’s arrive alone and are very sick, some with an inability to give information about themselves. This is not a new problem for the ED but the volume of these senarios are much greater since the visitor restrictions have been implemented. Financial stressor are on the rise with a great deal of depression and anxiety. We will feel the lasting impact of COVID 19 for awhile I’m afraid. I have extended emotional support to the medical staff more than ever before. Most social workers at my hospital have been allowed to work from their homes. Up to this point I remain on the front lines taking all necessary precautions. I don’t go into the room of COVID patients. I will call them using their hospital room number or speak with family via phone. I worry for our homeless population as social distancing in a shelter is nearly impossible. I know in Indianapolis the FSSA and the ISBH have a plan for dealing with a potentially positive COVID patient needing shelter proving safe recovery sites.
