NASW Joins March for Reproductive Rights

Sep 21, 2021

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is an official partner in the Women’s March to Mobilize and Defend our Reproductive Rights. There are in-person and virtual events nationwide, including a march in Washington, DC on Saturday, October 2, 2021, at Noon EST. Details are below.

FacebookCoverMarchNASW is calling on the nation’s more than 700,000 social workers to join the Women’s March. Social Workers continue to play a pivotal role in ensuring that reproductive rights are protected. That’s why, on October 2, 2021, NASW and our members are marching (in-person nationwide and broadcasting the march virtually).

NASW’s participation in the march is aligned with the social work profession’s fundamental ethical tenet of client self-determination. NASW’s social justice focus also includes recognition of the impact of reproductive health issues on women, trans men and non-binary people. Finally, we view reproductive justice from an intersectional perspective that centers the voices of those disproportionately impacted, especially low-income women of color. For more information on NASW’s views on reproductive rights, view our full Reproductive Justice position statement as part of Social Work Speaks.

Marches will follow public health guidance and virtual events may be offered in lieu of in-person events as appropriate. To learn more about the March and about how to participate virtually or in-person (be sure to check COVID-19 conditions and masking requirements in your state) please visit the Women’s March to Mobilize and Defend our Reproductive Rights.

Register for the March

March with NASW in-person in Washington, DC

If you choose, you can join NASW staff and march in Washington, DC. We strongly advise that you be vaccinated and wear a mask. The DC march will start at Freedom Plaza at 1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Marchers can meet outside the Metro Center Metro stop on the southwest corner of 12th and F Streets, NW at 10:30am to walk together to Freedom Plaza. If you would like to march in Washington, DC with other NASW members and staff, please email your interest to with your name, email address and phone number.

Find DC-specific logistics from the Women’s March here.

  • Route Map
  • Accessibility
  • COVID Safety Measures
  • Transit + Parking Info
  • What to Bring

Reproductive rights are under attack and our visibility matters!

NASW is also Livestreaming the March to Facebook. RSVP here.

Buy NASW and other social work t-shirts

We encourage you to use this printable Reproductive Rights Poster that can also serve as a placard. WomensRightsMarchSocialSquare

Our professional unity in this critical space of social justice will make a difference in protecting reproductive rights.


COVID-19 Mask Wearing and Social Distancing – Summary of District of Columbia Rules and Recommendations

Indoor Settings

  • All persons, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a mask while in all indoor public settings, including in public transportation (train, bus, taxi, ride share vehicle), regardless of vaccination status.

Outdoor Settings

  • Fully vaccinated people are not required to wear a mask or social distance while participating in outdoor activities, but may wish to wear a mask in crowded outdoor settings if they or someone in their household is immunocompromised or unvaccinated. Additionally, fully vaccinated people may also choose to wear a mask during outdoor activities if they are in an area with low vaccination rates and substantial to high COVID-19 rates – which includes DC.

Unvaccinated (or partially vaccinated) people and those who are immunocompromised should continue to follow everyday prevention measures like social distancing, avoiding crowds, and avoiding poorly ventilated indoor spaces.

Don’t forget to use the following hashtags:

NASW’s Appalled by Executive Order Ending DEI In Federal Government

NASW’s Appalled by Executive Order Ending DEI In Federal Government

By Mel Wilson, NASW Senior Policy Advisor Among the almost 100 executive orders enacted during President Trump's first day in office, the administration included an order that has rolled back all federal programs promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I)....
