Comments on: Social Work Groups Rally in New York to Raise the Age Youths Can be Criminally Charged as Adults Social work updates from NASW Tue, 22 Aug 2023 20:19:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: gwright Tue, 23 May 2017 12:41:11 +0000 In reply to Gabrielle Satterly.

Good morning Ms. Satterly:

Please contact the NASW New York State Chapter to find out if they are planning another event:

By: Gabrielle Satterly Tue, 23 May 2017 10:04:37 +0000 To Whom It May Concern:

I am current MSW student at Simmons College. For a project for advocacy we are required to attend an event. I was wondering if there is another Raise The Age event that is scheduled within the next few weeks? I currently work in a school system where my students get lost within the system. I have seen this increase within the last few years, as my students drop out rate has increased and gang involvement has increased.

Thank you for your time.

Gabrielle Satterly
